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How to Create a De-Stress Zone at Home

How to Create a De-Stress Zone at Home

Stress-free, relaxed, and restful - ideally, your own home is a refuge from the wider world, a place free of worry to recharge yourself. With our increasingly stressful lives, the need to have such a space becomes extremely important. After a long and busy day, the last thing you need is to come to a place that is chaotic and adds to your stress. You need to set up your home in a way that allows more restful sleep, easier breathing, and promotes positivity and mental well-being. Here are a few points shared by our design pros that will help you create a tranquil, de-stress zone at home.

Introduce plants

The key to creating a soothing, peaceful space is by forging a connection with nature and introducing plants in the space. By establishing a visual connection with plants, trees, green walls, and highly designed landscapes, the overall vibe of the space becomes more relaxed and restful. Spaces with visual connection with nature have been proven to be less stressful, and people in such environments have a more positive emotional outlook and show improved concentration and recovery rates. If you don’t have time to care for real plants, artificial plants can go a long way in introducing beautiful colors and lively appeal that convey identical benefits of live greenery.

Digital Detox Zones

The world around is highly interconnected, and our society is incredibly overworked and overstimulated. This 24x7 lifestyle is negatively affecting our well-being. We’re always connected and constantly checking our emails, messages, social media, and more. There is a need to create a space in the home that is free of digital distractions and encourages interactions with family and friends. This could be any space, from living room to balcony where the focus is on people and interactions, not devices.

Right Amount of Light

A space with the right amount of natural light not only creates a pleasing visual environment but it also positively impacts circadian system functioning. By creating a space which receives daylight from multiple angles, and also ensuring that it is truly dark at night is crucial for good sleep, mood, eating habits, and digestion. To create a stress-free space, you need to ensure that you maximize daylight and also minimize light at other times.

An Ideal Bedroom

Create an ideal bedroom that ensures that you get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. The key to this is creating a bedroom space which allows for a restful sleep. Installing blackout drapes to block outdoor light sources, shifting or covering other light-emitting sources in the room, avoiding exposure to blue light or screens an hour before bed, and investing in comfy mattress and bedding will help you sleep better and de-stress.

Create your own happy zone

You need to create a personal space for you which will allow some moments of quiet and relaxation. You can use it for listening to music, reading, practicing yoga, meditation, painting or simply doing nothing. This space or happy zone can feature your favorite colors, favorite items, comfy seating arrangement, soft lighting, etc, and should be absolutely minimal and uncluttered.